Saturday, July 4, 2015

How to pay WhatsApp from PC

WhatsApp your subscription is about to expire, you would like to renew it but are too uncomfortable complete payment from the tiny screen of your mobile phone? There is no problem, subscribe to WhatsApp it can also be done by computer.

Yes, you read it right! All you need to do is create a link for the payment of subscription and auto-send it by e-mail, so you can open it from the computer and carry out the procedure with the latter.
In case you were wondering, there is no additional cost to be incurred: a year's subscription still costs 0.89 euro and to complete the transaction can use both PayPal and credit card. Now, however, let's not waste any more time and find out  how to pay WhatsApp from your PC step by step.


step 1. As just mentioned, the first step you need to do is generate the link to make the payment. It then starts WhatsApp on your mobile and went in the settings  of the app: Android just press the button with the three dots located in the upper right corner and select  Settings from the menu that appears. Then select the itemAccount from the screen that pops up and went in the payment info .

step 2. Presses the button Send Payment URL that is located in the bottom of the page and it will automatically open the e-mail message with the link to the payment of WhatsApp. Type the email address to which to send the connection and send the message by pressing the appropriate button.
At this point, to pay WhatsApp from the PC does not have to do is open the email message that you sent from your mobile phone and mobile-click the link contained in it .

On the Web page that opens, click on the button PayPal or credit card and completes the transaction by entering your account information for the selected service.

Use WhatsApp

When finished, you can check if the subscription is successful opening WhatsApp on your phone and by going into the menu Settings> Accounts> Info payment. If everything went the right way, the expiration date of the service will be set at one year from today.
You do not want to renew your subscription to run WhatsApp? Want to make a gift to your friend by paying the subscription to the service on his own? You can also do this, the procedure is very similar to what we have just seen together.
As a first step you need to go in the settings of WhatsApp, then you have to go to Contacts , select the  Pay for a friend  and press the  Select a contact  to select the friend who pay WhatsApp (must be present in your contact list).
When the operation is completed, presses the button  Send URL for payment and send the email with the link to the payment to your e-mail address. Open, finally, the message that you sent from your mobile/PC and complete the payment via PayPal or credit card. is a popular source to get all information about various open source clones of popular social media, e-commerce and Android Mobile apps and websites.  

How to download WhatsApp on mobile

WhatsApp is a popular smartphone application that allows you to send (and receive) messages via free Internet, available for Android, iPhone, Windows Phone and other mobile platforms. It also supports group chats and sharing of multimedia content, such as photos and audio messages.
You can download and use free for one year. After this period, you must pay a subscription for a period of one year, three years or five years to continue using the service. Let us see how it works.

To download WhatsApp on your phone, so what you have to do is open the ' App Store , Google Play or the similar service present on your phone and search for the application in the latter. When installation is complete, start WhatsApp and follow the setup wizard of the service, through which you can activate your account.


On the first screen that pops up, then press the button Confirm and continue. Then enter your phone number and press OK twice in a row to start the account activation: you'll wait a countdown of up to 5 minutes.
WhatsApp automatically analyze phone contacts and adds to contact people who are enrolled in the service, so you can begin to exchange messages for free with the latter flick icon New chat located at the top right and selecting the name of the friend to whom you want to write the screen that opens.

You can also customize the look of WhatsApp changing the background of the chat and the size of the typeface. To do so, went in the Settings of the app (by pressing the Menu of the phone) and select the voice chat settings from the screen that opens.

WhatsApp trend

Therefore presses on the wording Background to select the image to use in conversations and words Font Size to adjust the size of the writing. If you're using Android, you will need to download a package of wallpaper for WhatsApp from the Play Store.
As mentioned earlier, after the first year of free use you must pay WhatsAppsigning a special subscription if you want to continue using it. 

How do you sign up?
In the screen that opens, select the item Account> Info payment , put a check mark next to the type of subscription you want to subscribe and choose the payment system you want to use. You can choose between PayPal and Google Wallet or you can send a URL to the payment to the PC. 

Visit Website Clone for more details.

How to Forward Whatsapp Messages to Groups of Friends?

Whatsapp give amazing fetures to send messages and exchange text messages for free with your friends. Furthermore, the application is very easy to use and requires no special configuration, but now I had a doubt: You can forward messages received via WhatsApp as if they were normal SMS or email?

The answer is yes, and today I'll explain how to make the most of this function. It is difficult to use? I Say That only to read the first lines of this guide have committed to more time than it take you to make the message forwarding, so let us not lose Opinions more talk and we see at once how to forward messages WhatsApp!


All you need to do to find out how to forward messages WhatsApp is start the application on your Mobile and press the button Chat to access the list of messages received and sent via WhatsApp.
At this point, select the message you want to forward, and presses the button Editlocated in the top of the screen starts. Then put a check mark next to the message (or messages) That you want to send to other recipients and the press ForwardThat is located at the bottom right.

Finally, select the icon of the ' little man to display the contact list of WhatsApp, presses on the name of the friend-to-whom you want to forward the selected messages and answer Yes to the notice That Appears to send the message. Simple right?

Latest Whatsapp features

You can anche forward WhatsApp messages to groups of friends and not just individual recipients, pressing the icon with three little men That is located at the bottom of the screen and Selecting the group to Which to send the selected messages.

That's all. Before closing this article, However, I want to remind you That there are other apps That allow you to send and receive messages for free on your mobile phone via the Internet. Among the most famous are Fresmee you have spoken in my guide on how to free texting , Viber I've reported in the post on how to send free SMS and mysms That I described in my article on how to send free messages .Choose the One That best suits your needs.

To know more about us do visit our website :

How WhatsApp Can Help Your Expand Your Brand Reach?

In a context where the Internet is a very powerful sales channel, to best use the tools of customer care online it is now a necessity.
In fact be able to meet the demands , but also the complaints of its customers almost in real time, it is to offer a high quality service certainly effective for the needs of buyers

WhatsApp is a service of multi-platform instant messaging that allows for all users who use the service to exchange messages and states with geo-localization in an easy and instant. If you previously used MSN, you know very well what the IM but WhatsApp is a huge step up against the service of Microsoft.

To take advantage of all the features required installation of ' WhatsApp Messenger application on your phone.


The advantages for companies
Some radio stations have already successfully enabled listeners to contact them through WhatsApp, but it is always a function of entertainment. What are the developments in optical business for the Small and Medium Enterprises?

Confidentiality of conversations, or one-to-one interaction between customer and supplier of goods or services in a perspective of privacy protection. This means that issues related to credit or finance companies can be safely handled within the discussion.

Greater interaction between company and customer: the idea of being able to transfer media files between two people (or groups of people) allows you to have a broader view of the problem. An example is the case of a mounting problem of a machine: through a photo or video, you can immediately understand how to fix the malfunction.

WhatsApp clone

Historical conversations: a view of Customer Relationship Management, have the listing of the topics covered by the same customer can immediately identify the points of greatest difficulty of it and the issues to be addressed more clearly.

Costs for the company: the cost of companies is virtually irrelevant, as they can reach easily to virtually all users of the service or the goods offered.

Easy to use: intuitive interface and simple application I allow immediate use and intuitive.

Mobility: the main advantage of this service is to be used anywhere, anytime, without having to wait to be in front of a PC.

Experiential in the report: we must not forget the competitive advantage obtained from the use of this platform. Again it is the rule of maximum customer satisfaction as the first step toward confidence in the brand and consequently the loyalty of the same towards their company.

Get more information on whatsapp by visiting our website :

Friday, July 3, 2015

How to Increase Your Brand Exposure via WhatsApp?

Since social networks and social media have made their advent on the network gradually turning into an integral part of people's lives. Now blogs and online newspapers are provided with the social buttons sharing platforms for people to like, comment and share on different social media sites.
However, considering the fact that in recent times there has been an increasing spread not only of social networking services as well as those of social messaging is really little surprise that next to the buttons for the shares on Facebook, Twitter and company someone has begun to consider the idea of including a button by which to share content through WhatsApp.


WhatsApp – the most famous Instant messaging service is now owned by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook and this instant messaging platform represents the present and the future of social media marketing and how did from BuzzFeed it is undoubtedly a clear demonstration. In fact, for some months now the laboratory viral BuzzFeed began to  experiment with the placement of the button Share-to-WhatsApp  alongside those now historic Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and next to that to share content via email.
Leveraging the WhatsApp button, you can send the article you are reading to users and user groups thus signaling a specific news to your contacts in direct and private, these two characteristics that combined the high degree of engagement and appeal that WhatsApp arouses on the user make it really hard to ignore the shared content. 

WhatsApp features

Where particularly interesting and/or entertaining content shared in this way is in turn shared by the receiver going to generate a real cascade effect. 
The results, in terms of sharing, obtained by BuzzFeed with the introduction of the button Share-to-WhatsApp have pleasantly surprised the leaders of the newspaper: the shares through WhatsApp have been far greater than those of Twitter, although this is of great value and it is even more so when you consider that the button now works exclusively with iOS devices and therefore computer and other mobile platforms are completely cut off.
Note that for the moment WhatsApp does not offer an official button for the sharing of content, but those who want to experience what has been done by BuzzFeed can temporarily rely on a third party tool accessible at .